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Sailing is a unique feature of Abookmark. Sailing is dangerous, but it is also quit powerful if you use it correctly and wisely.

It is recommended to use sailing in the side panel.

Generally a bookmark is a note of a 'static' url. But sometimes this is not enough. For example, you are surfing from bookmark of site/page1, then you go to site/page2, site/page3... Now you want the bookmark to point to site/page3. Abookmark can do this automatically. This is the 'link sailing'.

When in sailing mode, Abookmark will always update the bookmark to the latest page of that site you are surfing. That page will inherit the former notes and tags.

After v0.29, link sailing is integrated into folder/window sailing.

folder sailing

Folder sailing is a two way binding between bookmarks of the selected folder and the tab bar.

When it is booted:

  • a sailing window is formed, with a pinned abookmark page as its sailing engine.
  • bookmarks under the sailing folder are loaded as tabs in the sailing window.
  • everything happens in the sailing window may change the sailing folder: add a tab = create a bookmark close a tab = remove the bookmark update a tab = update the bookmark ...
  • everything happens in the sailing folder by the sailing engine may affect the sailing window.
  • close the tab of sailing engine = stop sailing

You can setup how many tabs be loaded in one time by the "Max tabs per window" option. Then you can use sail.refresh shortcut to load tabs in corresponding range with current tab as the first one.

There are some other shortcuts for sailing.


  • sailing is dangerous. make a backup first, start from a temporary folder to try it.
  • it is not warranted to use other tab managers in the sailing window.
  • do not modify the sailing folder outside of its sailing engine.

window sailing

Window sailing is similar to folder sailing. The key difference is that window sailing uses the bookmark root node as its root folder, and it keeps the cached tabs in a limited amount. As the contract, folder sailing deletes unmatched tabs at the start, but it keeps all the tabs as cache afterwards.

sailing on nodes

You can select a list of continues nodes as targets to boot the sailing. A temporary window sailing will be booted for them in this case, which will turn to normal window sailing if you click on other bookmarks in the sailing engine.

sailing & tabs nodes

Sailing nodes are NOT tab nodes, but you can use tab nodes while you are sailing.

Tab nodes are nothing but reflection of the actual tabs. Sailing is a two way binding of the bookmark nodes and tabs. Logically tab nodes is a special form of sailing.

Tab nodes will never change your data. Sailing is expected to change your data.

Unlike tab nodes, sailing does NOT support groups.